Posted by on Apr 20, 2013 in Uncategorized


Visited by a granddaughter she barely remembers, cialis canada doctor an elderly woman finds herself drifting in and out of bittersweet memories of her girlhood in turn-of-the-century Ireland.

Starring Susan French (Somewhere In Time, sildenafil Flatliners), recipe Ellen Bry (St. Elsewhere, Star Trek: TNG) and introducing Kaitlin C. Beauchemin in a film both John Hartl of The Seattle Times and John Teegarden of Audience Magazine considered one of the most memorable films of the 1994 Seattle International Film Festival.

“A poignant reverie, lovingly rendered, on aging, childhood and the transcendence of memory

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. It will touch anyone who has dealt with the loss of someone they love.” –1995 Seattle Int’l Film Festival

Running time: 27 min.