Off Leash Films mission is to make films that are both visceral and thought-provoking, films that tap directly into our subconscious and challenge how we receive stories. We believe the world’s most effective art comes from a place of daring, a place of vision and longing, from a need to not only share our authentic and most introspective stories, but to receive them as well.
“If your goal is to tell the stories that are in your heart, to share with other human beings something that explores the many facets and depths of what it means to be a human being and what it means to be a storyteller in modern society, then one MUST trust that what they want to say and how they want to say it is not so completely outside of the human experience as to alienate the rest of the human race.
“This is why we MUST indulge ourselves, we must TRUST that we are, at our cores, storytellers and that, like dreams, our stories take on many forms, elicit various emotions, some easy to comprehend, others requiring some measure of introspection and exploration. Some are comfortable and pleasant, others churn in our guts and haunt our thoughts, all the while defying expectation or easy explanation.” — writer/producer/director Hal Masonberg
For a more detailed outline of our approach, please read OUR APPROACH TO STORYTELLING.